Microsoft Azure Free Products
Microsoft Cloud Platform Azure provides always-free products and free for the first 12 months products.
Microsoft Azure Always-Free Products
**Products** | **Details** | |
App Service | 10 web, mobile or API apps | |
Functions | 1,000,000 requests per month | |
Container Service | Free | |
Active Directory | 500,000 objects | |
Active Directory B2C | 50,000 monthly stored users | |
Service Fabric | Free | |
Visual Studio Team Services | 5 users (with unlimited private Git repos) | |
Application Insights | Unlimited | |
DevTest Labs | Free | |
Machine Learning Studio | 100 modules per experiment | |
Security Center | Free | |
Advisor | Unlimited | |
Microsoft IoT Hub | 8,000 messages per day | |
Load Balancer | Free | |
Data Factory | 5 activities low frequency | |
Search | 10,000 documents | |
Notification Hubs | 1,000,000push notifications | |
Batch | Free | |
Automation | 500 Minutes of job runtime | |
Data Catalog | Unlimited users | |
Face API | 30,000 transactions per month | |
Bing Speech API | 5,000 transactions per month | |
Translator Text API | 2,000,000 characters included | |
Log Analytics | 5 GB per month | |
Scheduler | 1 job collection (5 jobs per collection) | |
Virtual Network | 50 virtual networks | |
Inter-VNET data transfer | Inbound only | |
Bandwidth (Data Transfer) | 5 GB outbound | |
Machine Learning | 2 seats | |
**Product** | **Details** | |
Linux Virtual Machine | 750 Hours B1S VM | |
Windows Virtual Machines | 750 Hours B1S VM | |
Managed Disks | 64 GB X 2 2 P6 SDDs | |
Blob Storage | 5 GB LRS hot block | |
File Storage | 5 GB LRS File Storage | |
SQL Database | 250 GB | |
Cosmos DB | 5 GB 400 requests units | |
Bandwidth (Data Transfer) | 15 GB outbound |