Microsoft Azure Free Products


Microsoft Cloud Platform Azure provides always-free products and free for the first 12 months products.

Microsoft Azure Always-Free Products

**Products** **Details**
App Service 10 web, mobile or API apps
Functions 1,000,000 requests per month
Container Service Free
Active Directory 500,000 objects
Active Directory B2C 50,000 monthly stored users
Service Fabric Free
Visual Studio Team Services 5 users (with unlimited private Git repos)
Application Insights Unlimited
DevTest Labs Free
Machine Learning Studio 100 modules per experiment
Security Center Free
Advisor Unlimited
Microsoft IoT Hub 8,000 messages per day
Load Balancer Free
Data Factory 5 activities low frequency
Search 10,000 documents
Notification Hubs 1,000,000push notifications
Batch Free
Automation 500 Minutes of job runtime
Data Catalog Unlimited users
Face API 30,000 transactions per month
Bing Speech API 5,000 transactions per month
Translator Text API 2,000,000 characters included
Log Analytics 5 GB per month
Scheduler 1 job collection (5 jobs per collection)
Virtual Network 50 virtual networks
Inter-VNET data transfer Inbound only
Bandwidth (Data Transfer) 5 GB outbound
Machine Learning 2 seats
**Free Each Month for a Year**
**Product** **Details**
Linux Virtual Machine 750 Hours B1S VM
Windows Virtual Machines 750 Hours B1S VM
Managed Disks 64 GB X 2 2 P6 SDDs
Blob Storage 5 GB LRS hot block
File Storage 5 GB LRS File Storage
SQL Database 250 GB
Cosmos DB 5 GB 400 requests units
Bandwidth (Data Transfer) 15 GB outbound