Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Data Structure ( Definition )


Looking for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Data Structure ( Definition ) ?

Firstly, please check MSDN: Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Providers: Introduction (There is also another edition: ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Model: Introduction to the Provider Model)

The aspnet_Users table

Column Name    Column Type    Description
ApplicationId    uniqueidentifier    Application ID
UserId    uniqueidentifier    User ID
UserName    nvarchar(256)    User name
LoweredUserName    nvarchar(256)    User name (lowercase)
MobileAlias    nvarchar(16)    User's mobile alias (currently not used)
IsAnonymous    bit    1=Anonymous user, 0=Not an anonymous user
LastActivityDate    datetime    Date and time of last activity by this user

Then go to Membership Providers

The aspnet_Membership table

Column Name    Column Type    Description
ApplicationId    uniqueidentifier    Application ID
UserId    uniqueidentifier    User ID
Password    nvarchar(128)    Password (plaintext, hashed, or encrypted; base-64-encoded if hashed or encrypted)
PasswordFormat    int    Password format (0=Plaintext, 1=Hashed, 2=Encrypted)
PasswordSalt    nvarchar(128)    Randomly generated 128-bit value used to salt password hashes; stored in base-64-encoded form
MobilePIN    nvarchar(16)    User's mobile PIN (currently not used)
Email    nvarchar(256)    User's e-mail address
LoweredEmail    nvarchar(256)    User's e-mail address (lowercase)
PasswordQuestion    nvarchar(256)    Password question
PasswordAnswer    nvarchar(128)    Answer to password question
IsApproved    bit    1=Approved, 0=Not approved
IsLockedOut    bit    1=Locked out, 0=Not locked out
CreateDate    datetime    Date and time this account was created
LastLoginDate    datetime    Date and time of this user's last login
LastPasswordChangedDate    datetime    Date and time this user's password was last changed
LastLockoutDate    datetime    Date and time this user was last locked out
FailedPasswordAttemptCount    int    Number of consecutive failed login attempts
FailedPasswordAttempt-WindowStart    datetime    Date and time of first failed login if FailedPasswordAttemptCount is nonzero
FailedPasswordAnswer-AttemptCount    int    Number of consecutive failed password answer attempts
FailedPasswordAnswer-AttemptWindowStart    datetime    Date and time of first failed password answer if FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount is nonzero
Comment    ntext    Additional text

Then go to Role Providers

The aspnet_Roles table

Column Name    Column Type    Description
ApplicationId    uniqueidentifier    Application ID
RoleId    uniqueidentifier    Role ID
RoleName    nvarchar(256)    Role name
LoweredRoleName    nvarchar(256)    Role name (lowercase)
Description    nvarchar(256)    Role description (currently unused)

The aspnet_UsersInRoles table

Column Name    Column Type    Description
UserId    uniqueidentifier    User ID
RoleId    uniqueidentifier    Role ID

Actually, at the end of each page which you checked the MSDN, there is words like below: _ Return to part 3, Role Providers. Go on to part 5, Session State Providers._

So please just followed their steps and learn all of Providers.