.NET Core 3.0 is Now .NET 5

2016, Microsoft announced "

What is the Difference between a struct in C# sharp and C++

The main difference between Struct in C# and C++ is that a Struct in C# is a Value Type but it is a ...

Marshalling C++ struct in C#

We have a WPF project that needs to communicate with a C++ project via TCP/IP socket (Winsocket). WP ...

Microsoft Blazor is in Preview status but no longer Experiment

2019 April 18, Microsoft Blazor Project leader Daniel Roth announces that Blazor is in official Prev ...

Our Blog Site Has Been Changed to a Static Website

Our blog post has been changed from the original wordpress to a static website. The main purpose is ...

Azure Scheduler will be retired

Azure Logic Apps is replacing Azure Scheduler, which is being retired. ...

How to override bootstrap styles

Let’s just give an example directly, about how to override bootstrap styles: ...

CSS Media Queries for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile from GitHub

Gokulakrishnan Kalaikovan provides very helpful and clear CSS Media Queries for Desktop, Tablet, Mob ...

C++ Console application can not Debug

We met a problem recently when we debugged a C++ Console application in both of Visual Studio 2017 a ...

Azure Storage and Data Services

We have introduced Azu ...