Handle all buttons click event in a single method in WPF

Now we have a stack, we put multiple buttons into this stack, all these buttons will for similar pop ...

WPF's four measure units in coordinates

WPF provides four different units of measures: ...

WPF classic features

WPF classic features: ...

WPF Shapes vs. WPF Geometries

Each of the Shape derived classes (Rectangle, Ellipse, Ploygon, etc) are very useful when you need ...

Change Sql Connection String Dynamically

We can easily to read Sql Connection String from config file such as app.config and web.config. But ...

ConfigurationManager can not be found in .NET 2.0

When we added something such as database Connection String in App.config file in .Net 2.0, we need t ...

C++ online reference

Here is the list of C++ online reference: ...

Edit SVN logs after committed

You might want to edit log after you committed code using SVN, but you might see the following error ...

Browser Market Share IE is still falling

Due to the tracks data of the Browsers Market Share from StatCounter, IE is still falling market sha ...

Display image using PictureBox and ImageList in C# ( Windows Form )

The regular way to display image in a Windows Form is using PictureBox. ...