Build Generic Data Access Layer in ADO.NET for multiple database types
Want to build a DB Access layer for multiple database types ? ...
Mouse hover to select a row form ListView
On a ListView you can add this functionality directly on the row, something like this: ...
Select record # 25 - 45 in SQL
Here are some code to resolve: ...
Convert VB to C# or C# to VB online
Try to use, maybe it can convert most of your code, but I don't think work for all. anyway, nice ! ...
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Data Structure ( Definition )
Looking for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Data Structure ( Definition ) ? ...
Keeping Identity Values When Importing Data in SQL Server 2005
If you have data tables which are set identity columns, you have to carefully when you migrate your ...
Custom Role Provider
Microsoft provides also a role article: